Saturday, September 27, 2008

Retina acne cream

« ...- Phototherapy - Phototherapy is the term used to describe any treatment utilizing laser or light. They work by killing P. acnes, reducing inflammation, or shrinking the sebaceous glands, depending on what therapy is used. Phototherapy can be used to treat all stages of acne, from mild to very severe. A dermatologist can help you decide which treatment, if any, would be most effective for you....
...Then there's the TriClear Acne Eliminator, which a friend of mine used with admittedly impressive results. As the name indicates, the TriClear process involves three steps: cleaning with a purifying cleanser, healing with a repair gel, and soothing with a revitalizing cream. The idea is to "reduce the appearance of acne, control excess oil production and prevent future breakouts". Marilee, the friend who used the TriClear products, says her acne-scarred face looked significantly less raw and ravaged after only a week....»
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«...=> Instead of cows milk, drink soy or almond milk....»
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tags: arachidonic acid acne, acne scar skin, secret food cures acne

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