« ...So what's the point? The point is that despite its widespread nature and the obvious social impact that it has, acne remains something of a mystery for medical science. In plain English, we do not know exactly what causes acne. As dermatologist Dr Andrew Waite says, "Acne is somewhat like the common cold. Almost everyone gets it, but we don't know exactly what causes it, and therefore cannot formulate a pinpoint cure for it."...
...There are many natural ways for you to treat acne. Using natural methods does not necessary mean using home remedies only. Natural acne treatment can be done by using products that contain natural sources. These natural products are safe and effective. If you have tried such a product before and it did not work for you, do not get discouraged. The reasons could be a matter of suitable ingredients, the quality of the product (not all natural products are the same!), or even the strong of the products....»
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how-remove-acne.blogspot.com «...Hormonal acne normally arrives with adolescence. Our body goes through major hormonal changes as we leave childhood and start our journey to adulthood. In these cases, there isn't much we can do about the causes, but we can take pleasure in knowing that, once the supercharged hormonal activity passes, so, most likely, will the acne. In the meantime, the best acne treatment or cure will be topical. Washing and moisturizing effected areas will help to remove the excess sebum oil, and over-the-counter treatments that help control the P-acne bacteria will usually control breakouts. At the very least, the outbreaks will be far less severe....»
Full Text: http://how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
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